By Dove Direct on Monday, 11 May 2020
Category: Content Marketing

Coronavirus Increases Direct Response Marketing

Welcome to the Dove Direct Print and Marketing Blog. Today's post, "Coronavirus Increases Direct Response Marketing," speaks to marketing challenges that have arisen as a result of COVID-19.

We are all affected by this unprecedented global health crisis. As history has shown, we will get through this together. We always have. We always will. Know that we are here for you, our employees, customers, partners, and vendors. Most of all, we are grateful for all who are working tirelessly to provide medical attention, essential services, news and information, and government services. We are in your debt, and we look forward to continuing to provide the best-in-class solutions and services that help strengthen all marketing initiatives.

Our Quote of the Day: "We know that advanced economies with stable governments that borrow in their own currency are capable of running up very high levels of debt without crisis." - Paul Krugman

New Creative Economic Measures

We can expect and be hopeful that the world's top economists are huddling non-stop to shore up the economy effectively. Therefore, it is incumbent on all organizations to stay informed about new legislative directives regarding the economy and how those decisions will impact various sectors.

One interesting solution put forth by Robert Reich, who served in the presidential administrations of Ford, Carter, and Clinton, as well as, Secretary of Labor from 1993 to 1997, is a zero-interest loan program. Businesses would be able to take out a federally guaranteed zero-interest loan from a bank to pay for all business expenses. Once the recovery occurs, the federal loan program issues loan forgiveness, so the businesses are not out of money. In theory, this may be the best way to tackle these new challenges.

Virus Containment and Mitigation Measures

In the meantime, it seems inevitable that more states will order statewide stay at home directives. That does not mean that all business operations will shut down. On the contrary, as more protective gear is made available, and some medication becomes available that can significantly reduce symptoms and the spread of the infection, odds are likely that more people will return to work in some capacity. Remember, people did work during the H1N1 and Ebola outbreaks.

That said, as some business strategists have said, "While this period is creating great challenges, it also presents great opportunities." To identify a business model that fits the current state of affairs, more businesses are reviewing their goals and operational strategies.

Business Marketing Considerations

In our last post, "Marketing in a Pandemic," we spoke of why it's so important to continue some marketing in an economic crisis. For marketers with huge budgets, such as GM, we see that as of today, GM's advertising is running, although their factories are closed.

The fact that companies are advertising should surprise no one. The automotive industry, like every other industry, has product to sell. The show must go on. All sectors must consider all creative options available to deliver marketing messages and updates that reach the intended targets.

To do this, brands must maintain an internet presence. However, internet usage should be essential at this time. Already, internet providers are warning that usage overload may result in rations. If more states invoke "stay at home" directives, the internet will become busier. The more we can do to minimize that traffic, the better.

Some businesses should consider using direct mail. The USPS is currently an essential business, making direct mail marketing one of the most effective means to reach an audience. In short, the coronavirus makes it smart to mail.

Direct Response Mail Objectives

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the marketing focus in that marketers are more aligned in value assessment for each piece of advertising they initiate. While the economic forecast is somewhat dire, finance departments are showing concern while carefully scrutinizing limited marketing budgets. That said, new data points demonstrate that a significant number of marketers are opting for direct response marketing. Google and Facebook are both crediting first-quarter performances to brands reallocating dollars away from broad-based brand advertising by moving them to direct response. 

Brands and marketers that have direct response marketing under consideration at this time will need to understand the full gamut of this channel as direct response involves the creative, content, workflows, turnaround times, mail sorting, and delivery. In addition, organizations that are attempting to garner postage discounts by internally sorting mail should be aware that postage costs represent one aspect. Engaging a trusted presort partner alleviates the complexity of mail efficiencies. The right partner can manage your mail pieces from creation to destination, freeing up critical resources and staff


Client Service

A trusted presort partner should offer peace of mind. You should have confidence that your partner can answer tough questions and provide expert advice regarding bound and packet mail. Ideally, you want a partner that can be your one-stop-shop for all mailing needs.

The Net-Net

Businesses and the population at large will survive this two-pronged global crisis. As a business entity, we are all in the same boat. We must create new business models where it makes sense, while simultaneously adhering to new legislative policies and guidelines that come into play. Be safe, stay connected, and help others where you can. We are all in this together. Thanks for reading" Coronavirus Increases Direct Response Marketing!"

Let's have a conversation about integrated business solutions and how they can help grow your business, change behavior, and improve the customer experience. You can learn about our solutions, including direct mail strategies, printing, print software, transactional documents, variable digital printing, brand equity, and unified marketing collateral.

For more information, call Carla Eubanks at 404-629-0122 or email Carla at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Dove Direct, your Atlanta based print and mail solutions provider, offers organizations end-to-end data, printing, and mailing solutions including Data Management, Variable Digital Printing, LetterShop and Fulfillment, Fully Automated MLOCR Presort Bureau, Marketing and Production Management Support and Secure Data Life Cycle Management.

You can reach Dove Direct by calling 404-629-0122, or you may use the Contact Form for Dove Direct.