By Dove Direct on Friday, 04 October 2019
Category: Content Marketing

Dove Direct Print and Marketing Blog, “Social Media Changes to Watch in 4Q19”

Welcome to the Dove Direct Print and Marketing Blog. Today's post, "Social Media Changes to Watch in 4Q19," updates how various demographics utilize social media channels, and more importantly, how marketers can take advantage of these changes.

Every demographic group from teens to baby boomers has fallen for social media. Pew Research suggests that most US adults use social media daily. To that end, folks have flocked to the social media channels that provide accessible, seamless user experiences, and that best deliver their content preferences.

The Facebook Thing

Have you ever wondered why Facebook is busy buying other social media platforms, such as the iconic notables, Snapchat, and WhatsApp? And, there are many other social media and tech brands, including Oculus Virtual Reality, that hover below iconic status, but are also being snapped up by Facebook. Hint: When an organization is on the rise in popularity, rarely do they start to purchase and absorb other businesses that specialize in similar areas.

To that end, Facebook has been on a purchasing tear. According to TechWise, Facebook has acquired some 72 businesses, starting as far back as 2007. One can also make the argument that successful brands whose coffers are ripe with cash often take advantage of strategic business mergers and acquisitions. Facebook launched in 2004, and by July 2007, Facebook began its quest for brand acquisitions.

Facebook may be smart to purchase tech and social media companies that can help support its future. However, due to the rise of specialized content offerings, Facebook's popularity is declining among those looking for specialized content, including the younger generation. Pew Research reports that Facebook has lost just under 20% of the 18-24 demographics over the last four years.

Video Content is King

In the marketing universe, that infamous "content is king" moniker still applies; however, among all the content variables, video content has risen to the mantle of king. Video content preferences have grown exponentially for several reasons.

  1. Video creation tools are more affordable and offer better filming and editing technologies.
  2. The ability to share video content is more streamlined and easily accomplished.
  3. Online access is faster, with download and upload speeds that deliver near-instantaneous video uploads.
  4. YouTube, Instagram, and Snapchat provide a variety of social media destinations that are dominated by videos.
  5. Mobile devices can now play videos without relying on Mr. "Buffer" to interfere with video playback capabilities.

Generational Daily Use

A recent report from the Manifest 2019 Consumer Social Media Survey suggests that GenerationZ to Baby Boomers, are all using social media at a minimum of 81% every day, and more. The breakout for each generation's daily social media use is as follows:

How the various groups are using social media varies. Facebook is the goto social media destination among Baby Boomers, where the main interest is chatting, catching up on the news, and sharing visual content. Snapchat is the favorite platform for Generation Zers who like its visual aspects and private community access, although they will use others. Meanwhile, Millennials tend to use their time across multiple channels.

The Content Experience

The seamless customer experience is all the rage brands, and marketers are focused on these days, and rightfully so. That adage, "The customer is always right" has been updated to "the customer expects a personalized, seamless purchasing experience across all channels." That said, Generation Z likes to use Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube above the other available channels for the simple reason that these platforms provide a streamlined and customizable content experience.

Since Facebook changed its algorithms due to privacy concerns, users' timeline feeds contain content that is often not in line with their primary interests. Consequently, content platforms that provide a unique and well-defined experience tend to rise in value over that of Facebook among younger generations.

Video Content Value Rises to the Top

YouTube has been the leader in video viewing for many years and continues to hold the coveted number one spot. As video preferences have risen over the past five years, most experts would agree that video content is now the leading tool in the social media world. Some of the data point numbers are staggering. For example, Criteo states that Generation Zers stream video content 23 hours per week, which is practically a full day. It's also no secret that video is the most versatile, informative, and engaging medium. Video player technologies now also provide viewers with the ability to toggle between their video viewing preferences, from only watching, to only listening, to including both watching and listening. How-to-Videos and podcasts are extremely popular, and thanks to improved video playback technology, people have the flexibility to tap into those formats easily.

Keep in mind that YouTube, which commands the world's second-place search engine behind Google, is the leader in content, and that applies to any generation. YouTube is an influencer network, an entertainment hub, a music player, and a learning tool. Look for more video-focused channels to emerge as text-based content is losing the battle across all social media channels in favor of video content.

The Net-Net

It appears that brands and marketers must dive into the video content creation world, as social media numbers across all generations point to videos. Of course, you will want to continue to utilize a mix of media. However, the marketing mix, wherever possible, should use video, as that is where most people want to be for now. Thanks for reading, "Social Media Changes to Watch in 4Q19."

Let's have a conversation about direct mail strategies, printing, print software, transactional documents, variable digital printing, brand equity and unified marketing collateral during our next Open House. We invite you to join us for an hour or two, October, 31, from 10:30 am to 3:30 pm. Let us show you how to improve your document processes to optimize your workflow, reduce your costs, and maximize your organization's printing, letter shop and mailing capabilities. Dove Direct does have an official USPS certified bureau located within our offices that will save you time and money. And, if you bring us your files, we will create a demo file for you. For more information call Carla Eubanks at 404-629-0122 or email Carla at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Dove Direct, your Atlanta based print and mail solutions provider offers organizations end-to-end data, printing and mailing solutions: Data Management, Variable Digital Printing, LetterShop and Fulfillment, Fully Automated MLOCR Presort Bureau, Marketing and Production Management Support and Secure Data Life Cycle Management.

If you don't want to wait for the Open House, you can reach Dove Direct today by calling 404-629-0122 or use the contact form for Dove Direct.